Isfahan’s Jameh Mosque

Registered in the UNESCO’s World Heritage list, the ancient Jameh Mosque is an archetype among the Persian-Islamic mosques. This mosque is intensively at the center of attention among Muslims and those interested in Islamic architecture since it depicts the evolution of the architecture of Persian mosques since 841 AD. It consists of four courtyards with four iwans interconnecting Isfahan’s bazaars and delicate mosaics under the domes that make the historical stories lying among the brickworks of this mosque more appealing.

Each of these iwans enfolds exceptional treasures belonging to aesthetic tastes of different eras in Iran’s history. The whole designation plan of the structure and the fact that it was built with four iwans was a mark of Sassanid architecture of great palaces. The vast courtyards of this great mosque also played the role of a pedestrian area by connecting different sides of Naqsh-e Jahan square through their gates. This amazing mosque has suffered many harms such as the conflagration in the 12th century and it has been restored again and again through time but the two outstanding domes in the south and north of this mosque remained the same through all these years. In the northern iwan shines elegantly the Taj al-Molk Dome above the Kufic inscriptions left by Seljuks. Behind this area lays a prayer room with lots of pillars.

On the other side of this great mosque, under the exquisite Nezam al-Molk Dome nestles the southern iwan with its elaborate moldings, as a footprint of Mongols mixed with tilework and mosaic work of 15th century. The vaulted room of Sultan Uljeitu in the western iwan is what no one should miss visiting for its stunning stucco mihrab that is extremely remarkable. After all, visiting the biggest Mosque in Iran is equal to a journey through 9 centuries. Just walk between the courtyards and halls, touch the turquoise and blue tiling, follow the patterns, listen to the sound of Adhan reflected in the

Mitra Gholami
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