Si-o-se-pol in Isfahan

Isfahan has enfolded the fanciest bridges of Iran in its arms since the flowing river of Zayande-rud is streaming in the middle of this city. Right at the heart of the town, the view of this sparkling river behind the arches of Si-o-se-pol Bridge has formed a part of the nightlife in Isfahan. Young people spent their most romantic times walking on this bridge, listening to the sound of street musicians, and watching the sunset. The music and the melody of the river in this magical place melt into your hearts and bewitches you. Si-o-se-pol Bridge is a beautiful masterpiece left of Safavid architecture.

The nature of this heavenly strict is captivating as you drive to the southern end of Chahar Bagh-e Abbasi Street. Also, in the middle of the town, you’d be even more surprised to see the untamed river rushing under the 33 arches and mesmerizing everyone who is either taking a walk or picnicking around the bridge. People are either happily talking to their family members and friends in the stretching park along the river or taking a walk on the bridge. Most of them wait to see the sun sink into the ground and color the river with its brush of scarlet red.

In this historical heritage, you get to have an authentic experience of Iran’s culture and people. People would be more than happy to have your company and ask you to drink a cup of tea. Meanwhile, you might get to hear the story of this bridge in their words, that is was built on the remains of an older bridge to connect the Muslim quarter of the city to the neighborhood of Armenians, and the Safavid king used to sit in the central pavilion and gaze at the scenic view in front of him. People used to gather around the bridge and have ceremonies on special occasions like Nowruz.

Even when you see the admiring architecture and design of this bridge, you will be inspired to step under the arches and touch the bricks in the evening. Now that you are tempted to visit this magical place, you don’t want to miss taking shelter in the small iwans of the bridge and forget taking memorable pictures.

Mitra Gholami
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